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Library of Dysfluent Voices is an open-source collection of voice recordings celebrating stuttering and speech diversity. In collaboration with Luke Wyland and Methods Body, we are proud to present this important, ever-growing hub for the dysfluent community and our allies.

Communication differences and disabilities often carry with them a lived experience of internalized shame, driven by societal stigma around dysfluent speech. One of the central motivations for the Library is to subvert this masking and shame by platforming different forms of stuttering and dysfluency

If you are a person with a dysfluent voice, we invite you to submit your own recording to be added to the Library!

Recordings from Library of Dysfluent Voices have been featured in Covert/Overt, a sound art composition by Portland duo Methods BodyLuke Wyland and John Niekrasz


Using the initial 36 interviews that started this library, Methods Body drew inspiration from the rhythmic fingerprints and cadences of different individuals’ voices. They employed technological refraction and acoustic syllabic mirroring to musically explore different forms of verbal dysfluency. Click here to watch an excerpt! 

Questions about Library of Dysfluent Voices? Email Luke at

Follow us on Instagram:  @lukewyland, @methodsbody  and @spacetostutter

Artboard 14_3x.png

Library of 
Dysfluent Voices

Priya Issacs.png
Priya Isaacs(Australia)
00:00 / 04:19
Jia Bin - Jia Bin.jpg
Jia Bin (China/USA)
00:00 / 05:10
Sandhya Kilambi.png
Sandhya Kilambi(USA)
00:00 / 06:24
Jack Henderson.jpeg
Jack Henderson(USA)
00:00 / 02:12
Grace PB.jpg
Grace Pelisek-Brown(Canada)
00:00 / 01:31
Liam McLaughlin.jpeg
Liiiam McLaughlin(USA)
00:00 / 05:40
Horak, Ezra.jpg
Ezra Horak (USA)
00:00 / 04:56
Bennie Storey.jpeg
Bennie Storey(USA)
00:00 / 03:44
Brendan Robinson Montana sunset - lostoz 1.jpg
Brendan Robinson(USA)
00:00 / 11:02
Conor Foran(Ireland)
00:00 / 03:36
Mandy Rodstrom.jpeg
Mandy Rodstrom(USA)
00:00 / 03:36
Jeremy Uy(USA)
00:00 / 04:21
Bryan Castro_headshot (1) - bryan castro.jpg
Bryan Castro(USA)
00:00 / 02:06
Lydia Brubaker
Lydia Brubaker(USA)
00:00 / 01:43
Colin Moore.JPG
Colin M.(USA)
00:00 / 01:23
Murphy, Bevin.JPG
Bevin Murphy(Ireland)
00:00 / 03:21
PXL_20230729_015031051 - Moudi Sbeity.jpg
Moudi Sbeity (USA)
00:00 / 05:19
Michael Ventrice.jpg
Michael Ventrice(USA)
00:00 / 02:45
Tyler Eschendal.jpg
Tyler Eschendel(USA)
00:00 / 03:27
D_Amari Brown.png
D'Amari Brown(USA)
00:00 / 03:46
P1042080 - Bailee Gilbert.jpeg
Bailee Gilbert(USA)
00:00 / 03:52
Campbell Shaw(USA)
00:00 / 01:40
Dilpreet Dhinjan(UK)
00:00 / 02:23
Danny Litwack.png
Daniel Litwack (USA)
00:00 / 02:38
Avital Masri(Israel)
00:00 / 04:46
Chris Schuyler.jpg
Chris Schuyler(USA)
00:00 / 03:53
Alex Lee.jpg
Alex Lee(USA)
00:00 / 03:53
Josh Dunford.jpeg
Josh Dunford(USA)
00:00 / 00:48
Zayne Edwin.jpg
Zayne Edwin (USA)
00:00 / 01:09
Hector Perez.jpg
Hector Perez (USA)
00:00 / 01:48
Matt Hobbs(USA)
00:00 / 02:29
Michael Allen Bailey(USA)
00:00 / 04:20
PNG image.jpeg

Library of Dysfluent Voices is an open-source collection of voice recordings celebrating stuttering and speech diversity. In collaboration with Luke Wyland and Methods Body, we are proud to present this important, ever-growing hub for the dysfluent community and our allies.

Communication differences and disabilities often carry with them a lived experience of internalized shame, driven by societal stigma around dysfluent speech. One of the central motivations for the Library is to subvert this masking and shame by platforming different forms of stuttering and dysfluency

If you are a person with a dysfluent voice, we invite you to submit your own recording to be added to the Library!

Recordings from Library of Dysfluent Voices have been featured in Covert/Overt, a sound art composition by Portland duo Methods BodyLuke Wyland and John Niekrasz


Using the initial 36 interviews that started this library, Methods Body drew inspiration from the rhythmic fingerprints and cadences of different individuals’ voices. They employed technological refraction and acoustic syllabic mirroring to musically explore different forms of verbal dysfluency. Click here to watch an excerpt! 

Questions about Library of Dysfluent Voices? Contact Luke at

Follow us on Instagram at:  @lukewyland, @methodsbody  and @spacetostutter

Artboard 14_3x.png
Priya Issacs.png
Priya Isaacs(Australia)
00:00 / 04:19
Conor Foran(Ireland)
00:00 / 03:36
Matt Hobbs(USA)
00:00 / 02:29
Avital Masri(Israel)
00:00 / 04:46
Campbell Shaw (USA)
00:00 / 01:40
Grace PB.jpg
Grace Pelisek(USA)
00:00 / 01:31
P1042080 - Bailee Gilbert.jpeg
Bailee Gilbert(USA)
00:00 / 03:52
Alex Lee.jpg
Alex Lee(USA)
00:00 / 03:53
Jia Bin - Jia Bin.jpg
Jia Bin(USA)
00:00 / 05:10
Danny Litwack.png
Daniel Litwack(USA)
00:00 / 02:38
Michael Allen Bailey(USA)
00:00 / 04:20
Murphy, Bevin.JPG
Bevin Murphy(Ireland)
00:00 / 03:21
Colin Moore.JPG
Colin Moore(USA)
00:00 / 01:23
Hector Perez.jpg
Hector Perez (USA)
00:00 / 01:48
Liam McLaughlin.jpeg
Liiiam McLaughlin(USA)
00:00 / 05:40
Tyler Eschendal.jpg
Tyler Eschendel(USA)
00:00 / 03:27
Sandhya Kilambi.png
Sandhya Kilambi(USA)
00:00 / 06:24
Horak, Ezra.jpg
Ezra Horak(USA)
00:00 / 04:56
Moudi Sbeity (USA)
00:00 / 05:19
Brendan Robinson Montana sunset - lostoz 1.jpg
Brendan Robinson(USA)
00:00 / 11:02
D_Amari Brown.png
D'Amari Brown(USA)
00:00 / 03:46
Chris Schuyler.jpg
Chris Schuyler(USA)
00:00 / 03:53
Lydia Brubaker.jpg
Lydia Brubaker(USA)
00:00 / 01:43
Zayne Edwin.jpg
Zayne Edwin (USA)
00:00 / 01:09
Jack Henderson.jpeg
Jack Henderson(USA)
00:00 / 02:12
Mandy Rodstrom.jpeg
Mandy Rodstrom(USA)
00:00 / 03:36
Bennie Storey.jpeg
Bennie Storey(USA)
00:00 / 03:44
Bryan Castro_headshot (1) - bryan castro.jpg
Bryan Castro(USA)
00:00 / 02:06
Dilpreet Dhinjan(UK)
00:00 / 02:23
Jeremy Uy(USA)
00:00 / 04:21
Michael Ventrice.jpg
Michael Ventrice (USA)
00:00 / 02:45
Josh Dunford.jpeg
Josh Dunford (USA)
00:00 / 00:48
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