Advocacy Initiatives
We carry out advocacy initiatives to reduce stigma and increase stuttering representation in the media. We are committed to creating more SPACE for stuttering.
Educational Trainings
We facilitate listening workshops for businesses, schools and other professional groups to help folks transform their ability to listen and empathize.
Arts and Community Programs
We offer online creative arts and community programs for people who stutter ages 7-23. All offerings are fully online and affordable for all.
Our Approach
We operate fully online across Canada and the US, ensuring access and equity for as many people who stutter as possible.
Creating SPACE
for stuttering...
Our logo is a visual representation of the idea of stuttering space.
It considers the stutters and silences in between words and letters as creative and compelling moments in language. As SPACE member Spring Kwok says, “that space between my words isn’t empty, it’s mine to fill”
In everything we do, we look to create SPACE for stuttering.
We are deeply grateful to Conor Foran and Bart Rzeznik of Dysfluent and Take Courage for their incredible work on SPACE’s visual identity.

Donate to create SPACE for stuttering.